Friday, September 17, 2010

Animal Reviewers 2: Daisy reviews Mark Teague children's books

So last Wednesday my eight year old brother came with me to go the library when i was picking up a book. He was allowed to pick some books of his own so i went with him into the children's section. Now being the fact that i'm 24 i haven't been over there to look for books for about 14 years. I was surprised how many cute books there were. So it's safe to say i influenced some of Noah's decision making. So here to review the books that i thought were adorable is Daisy. The just turned one year old Beagle.

Books to be reviewed:

Daisy: I like Ike. He gets into all kinds of mischief and trouble. I don't see why people think he's being overly melodramatic all of the time. He is just telling the truth through dogs eyes.

Mrs. LarRue should have never sent him to obedience school. He was a good doggie already. Though the school he was sent to was not like any of the kind i've ever been too. Then again i got kicked out of potty training class for being a big cry puppy and disrupting the other doggies.

Daisy: I liked this book. I think a dog should run for mayor. I would make it so that it would be mandatory to feed your dog every time they want it.  Pooky's would grow on trees. I would leave the back door open all of the time so i have the option of going in or out any time i want. Also barking would be considered fine music and not a crime.

In this book i liked how Ike set out to do just that. The candidate for mayor was being unfair against dogs.  Doggies should be able to play baseball and have hot dogs anytime they want. Ike proved to be a good dog when he saved Mrs. LaRue and got made assistant mayor.

Izzy listened with her pooky when Daisy read the story.